Monday, April 24, 2006

National Geographic Day!!

I walked out the door this morning to find my car with a flat tire. I am fully capable of changing a flat tire, but called Kia Roadside to have them do it for me for free. I spent the unexpected extra hour I had cleaning up and getting organized. It was the best hour-late-to-work morning I've ever had.

I love coming back home after a good vacation. I'm so refreshed and ultra-productive.

And, on top of all this productivity, today is National Geographic day! It's not an official holiday, but it is the day I receive both National Geographic and National Geographic Kids magazines in the mail. I learn all sorts of amazing things, that I submit my roommate to relentlessly. While she's trying to work, I have about three things I must, must, must tell her every time I turn the page in the magazine. Luckily, she pretends it doesn't annoy her.

Now I'm going to force myself to work a bit on a paper for class. Three weeks left of grad school!

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