Monday, February 05, 2007

Things I Forgot I Loved

(1) When it's really cold outside and your car is parked in the sun, so when you get inside it's nice and toasty.

(2) Encouraging my friends to do silly things, such as being responsible for memorizing four of the NFL referee symbols from the chart in my new favorite (ridiculous) book Get Your Own Damn Beer, I'm Watching the Game!: A Woman's Guide to Loving Pro Football. It made the SuperBowl that much more entertaining...

(3) Wearing bright colors to combat the -18 degree wind chill at 5:30 in the morning on the way to catch the bus. Okay, it wasn't just the bright pink hat combatting the frigid temps...I should give a little shout-out to my boots, down coat with hood, gator, gloves, and other layers--all of which were black.

(4) New beginnings. Today I got a whole new group of graphic design students, and while I'm convinced I have reached full mental capacity for names, I am looking forward to seeing them explore art in a new way.

(5) And last but not least on this list of things I forgot I loved: countdowns! Only thirteen more days until my mom comes to visit!

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