Friday, December 16, 2005

Things of Note

  • This semester of grad school is complete! Five semesters down and three to go. And this semester I ended with the aforementioned World Summit, in which Eleanor Roosevelt personally attacked Barbara Bush more than once, Rosa Parks sat next to Fifty Cent, and Wilma Rudolph (a.k.a. me) was hit on once by Ben Franklin before he got back to his chatter about electricity.
  • Another great conversation took place between two students during a quick game of Simon Says: "Ms. Armstrong, right now you look like a model." I laughed, then said, "Thank you." Then another student said in a near whisper that made it even more hilarious, "Our teacher's a supermodel." That's right folks, my students not only have ADHD and emotional-behavioral disorder, but they also suffer from mild delusion.
  • There's a transit strike here in New York City. The question on my mind is how a mayor who has somehow managed to make every union in the city threaten to strike and/or actually strike got re-elected.
  • I have recently become addicted to a ridiculous internet game. It's called Quiddler, and I think you should be addicted, too.
  • Five more school days till Christmas Break!

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