Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wake Up, Teach, Drink, Play Soccer, Drink

That's my day in a nutshell. Things have been so busy the past couple weeks that I feel as if my mind and body are out of sync. My eyes will be ready to shut, but I can't get my mind to quiet down. Or I'll barely be able to string a thought together, but my body is running all over the place trying to get things done. At the moment, it's the mind that's still awake. I've drank some Gatorade and had a quick sandwich to fend off any chance of dehydration tomorrow, a day filled with almost no plans. It's good after several days packed with things that I just don't want to miss, no matter the expense. After not missing a computer training session early this morning, not missing teaching, not missing happy hour with friends from work, not missing soccer practice, and not missing going out with friends from my soccer team, I think it will be a nice change of pace to miss the sunrise, miss the sound of my alarm clock, and miss eating breakfast on the run. It's possible that if the year continues like this, Saturday will replace Sunday as my favorite day.

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