Thursday, September 27, 2007

On the Train

Today I was on the six headed uptown to a doctor's appointment. Sitting across from me was a woman reading a book called Personality Puzzle. She was studiously highlighting the text in the cramped spot allowed her in the crowded train. Next to me was a young man reading The Constitution of the United States. I looked over his shoulder to reread the preamble, which I had to memorize at some point in high school. It might be the strangest thing I've ever seen someone read on the train.

When I got off the train I was spit out onto an overly-crowded street. For a moment, I got stuck in front of the Bloomingdale's next to a woman pushing a stroller with a toddler in it. The toddler looked at me, then offered me a Cheerio with a smile. I didn't take the Cheerio, but I appreciated the little city-sightings nonetheless.

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